
Utility module.


Jy2T(freqs, omega_p)

Convert Janskys to Kelvin.

calc_max_fringe_rate(fqs, ew_bl_len_ns)

Calculate the max fringe-rate seen by an East-West baseline.

compute_ha(lsts, ra)

Compute hour angle from local sidereal time and right ascension.

find_baseline_orientations(antenna_numbers, ...)

Find the orientation of each redundant baseline group.

gen_delay_filter(freqs, bl_len_ns[, ...])

Generate a delay filter in delay space.

gen_fringe_filter(lsts, freqs, ew_bl_len_ns)

Generate a fringe rate filter in fringe-rate & freq space.

gen_white_noise([size, rng])

Produce complex Gaussian noise with unity variance.


Get the magnitude of the length of the given baseline.

jansky_to_kelvin(freqs, omega_p)

Return Kelvin -> Jy conversion as a function of frequency.

matmul(left, right[, use_numba])

Helper function for matrix multiplies used in mutual coupling sims.

reshape_vis(vis, ant_1_array, ant_2_array, ...)

Reshaping helper for mutual coupling sims.

rough_delay_filter(data[, freqs, bl_len_ns, ...])

A rough low-pass delay filter of data array along last axis.

rough_fringe_filter(data[, lsts, freqs, ...])

A rough fringe rate filter of data along zeroth axis.

tanh_window(x[, x_min, x_max, scale_low, ...])


Wrap values of an array to [-π; +π] modulo 2π.