
Simulator.run_sim(sim_file=None, **sim_params)[source]

Run an entire simulation.

  • sim_file – Path to a configuration file specifying simulation parameters. Required if sim_params is not provided.

  • **sim_params – Once-nested dictionary mapping simulation components to models, with each model mapping to a dictionary of parameter-value pairs. Required if sim_file is not provided.


components – List of simulation components that were generated with the parameter ret_vis set to True, returned in the order that they were simulated. This is only returned if there is at least one simulation component with ret_vis set to True in its configuration file/dictionary.


Suppose we have the following configuration dictionary:

sim_params = {
    "pntsrc_foreground": {"seed": "once", "nsrcs": 500},
    "gains": {"seed": "once", "dly_rng": [-20, 20], "ret_vis": True},
    "reflections": {"seed": "once", "dly_jitter": 10},

Invoking this method with **sim_params as its argument will simulate visibilities appropriate for a sky with 500 point sources, generate bandpass gains for each antenna and apply the effect to the foreground data, then generate cable reflections with a Gaussian jitter in the reflection delays with a standard deviation of 10 ns and apply the effect to the data. The return value will be a list with one entry: a dictionary mapping antenna numbers to their associated bandpass gains.

The same effect can be achieved by writing a YAML file that is loaded into a dictionary formatted as above. See the Simulator tutorial for a more in-depth explanation of how to use this method.