
class hera_sim.visibilities.simulators.ModelData(*, uvdata: UVData | str | Path, sky_model: SkyModel, beam_ids: dict[str, int] | Sequence[int] | None = None, beams: BeamList | list[Union[pyuvsim.analyticbeam.AnalyticBeam, pyuvdata.uvbeam.uvbeam.UVBeam]] | None = None, normalize_beams: bool = False)[source]

An object containing all the information required to perform visibility simulation.

  • uvdata – A pyuvdata.UVData object contain information about the “observation”. If a path, must point to a UVData-readable file.

  • sky_model – A model for the sky to simulate.

  • beams – UVBeam models for as many antennae as have unique beams. Initialized from obsparams, if included. Defaults to a single uniform beam which is applied for every antenna. Each beam is the response of an individual antenna and NOT a per-baseline response. Shape=(N_BEAMS,).

  • beam_ids – List of integers specifying which beam model each antenna uses (i.e. the index of beams which it should refer to). Also accepts a dictionary in the format used by pyuvsim (i.e. antenna_name: index), which is converted to such a list. By default, if one beam is given all antennas use the same beam, whereas if a beam is given per antenna, they are used in their given order. Shape=(N_ANTS,).

  • normalize_beams – Whether to peak-normalize the beams. This removes the bandpass from the beams’ data arrays and moves it into their bandpass_array attributes.


Input beam models represent the responses of individual antennas and are NOT the same as per-baseline “primary beams”. This interpretation of a “primary beam” would be the product of the responses of two input antenna beams.


from_config(config_file[, normalize_beams])

Initialize the ModelData from a pyuvsim-compatible config.

write_config_file(filename[, direc, ...])

Writes a YAML config file corresponding to the current UVData object.



Frequnecies at which data is defined.


Local Sidereal Times in radians.


Number of beam models used.